The Dangerous Sleep Habits You Didn’t Know You Had

The Dangerous Sleep Habits You Did not Know You Had
The Dangerous Sleep Habits You Did not Know You Had

Sleeping for about 12 to 16 hours is absolutely essential for a human being. However due to the increasing work load this sleep requirement has been decreased to 8 to 12 hours. This is a very adverse sleep habit and goes without noticing.

Sleeping is an absolute essential thing for your health. It is observed by each one of us that when our sleep requirements are not fulfilled we feel fatigued and strange kind of burden on our shoulders and muscles. The moment we wake up after a small span of sleeping we feel light and relieved. Hence it is proved that sleeping comfortably even for a small while does wonders to you.  However millions of people all across the globe do not realize the perks of a good and comfortable sleep. They take this much beneficial phenomenon very lightly which is not a good sign for their heath. Here are a few bad sleeping habits which go unnoticed and cause you great health concerns.

•    Sleeping with headphones on

It is widely observed that people usually sleep with headphones on and music is played in them. Doctors all across the globe say that this is a very bad habit that leaves adverse effects on your nervous system as well as other body parts.

If you continue to sleep while listening to music in your head phones you do not allow your ear muscles to relax which of course is necessary. This also affects your nervous system decreasing the co-ordination between your brain and ears eventually.

•    Lights and melatonin

When you are not sleeping you are of course exposing yourself to light. Light whether it is natural day light or the artificial light is a great support for your sight. However when you over expose yourself to it you are causing trouble to your eyes and sight.

This is because over exposure to light which is a result of not sleeping enough decreases melatonin. This chemical is required by your body for various reasons. Melatonin plays a part in learning and memory related functions and is an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

It is also recognized as a powerful antioxidant well equipped enough to protect DNA from free radical damage. Also its anti-carcinogenic qualities have the ability to prevent the development of some forms of cancer. Melatonin’s production is stopped and hindered because of over exposure to light.

•    Light and sleeping patterns

One thing you have to consider is that our sleep patterns are now unfortunately associated with the rising and setting of sun. In our world days are made for working while nights are made for sleeping. This is a perfect approach of sleep patterns as in this way we shall be completing all out sleep requirements.

However thanks to the artificial lights which have literally invaded out lives and made us extremely dependent on them we have molded something as sensitive as sleep patterns on them. Now although the sun sets at around 7 pm at few places like United States (differences in time zones and seasons are applicable).

But since we are blessed enough to work for longer and seldom care about sunlight we tend to go on and extend out work hours. This is why sleeping and going to bed has become an affair of later than 10pm for most people, the required sleep patterns are disturbed.
