How Melania Trump Described Barron Before ‘Downgrade’ Move To White House

MELANIA TRUMP’s son Barron Trump was “downgraded” in the White House after moving to the presidential home from Trump Tower in New York.

Melania Trump and Barron moved to the White House a few months after Donald Trump had become the US President. The Trump family lives on the second floor of the White House, away from the presidential offices. But their new home was a “downgrade” for Barron Trump who had a whole floor to himself in Trump Tower in New York City, according to Town & Country. 

The then nine-year-old had a whole floor to himself which Melania detailed in a 2006 interview with People Magazine. Melania posed in Barron’s nursery which has its own kitchen, living room and quarters for a nanny and Melania. Melania said at the time: “He’s a very good baby. He’s not like a crybaby – he’s calm, and it’s fantastic. “Sometimes I just think, ‘Oh my God, this is my baby. I have a baby.’ There’s nothing like it.”

The interview also detailed how Melania was gifted a gold stroller complete with its own chandelier after Barron was born. The gift, which has been labelled “grotesque” by social media users was from US chat show host Ellen DeGeneres. Melania said at the time: “It’s fun. It makes you laugh.” But Twitter users weighed in on the gift and branded it “gross” and “grotesque”.

One said: “Sadly, many Americans think things like a golden stroller are a good thing. A sign of success, instead of selfish and evil.” While another defended Ms DeGeneres and said: “Ellen bought the stroller as a joke.” Ellen DeGeneres hasn’t clarified whether she did gift the stroller. The revelation comes after a shocking video of Barron with Melania and father, US President Donald Trump sparked a Twitterstorm.

Barron looked dramatically different as he returned from a trip with his parents in August. Surprising footage shows Melania Trump’s son de-boarding a plane before walking alongside his parents. Barron, 13, can be seen towering above Melania who is wearing heels and is 5-foot-11, and his father Donald who is 6-foot-2. Barron can be seen wearing a black Ralph Lauren t-shirt, paired with black jeans and white Nike trainers. Twitter users reacted to Barron’s growth spurt, with one posting: “There is a unit living in the White House.”
