Baby Archie looks just like his royal dad, Prince Harry

Break out the birthday candles — Baby Archie is celebrating his first birthday on May 6, 2020, and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have blessed us with a new video of the tiniest royal. And the little guy looks just like his dad when he was a baby.

The video is actually really sweet, and to be honest, they probably never would have been able to share something like this if they hadn’t stepped back from royal family duties in January 2020.

In the video, posted to the Save With Stories Instagram account to benefit Save The Children, Archie sits on his mom’s lap while she reads his favorite book, Duck! Rabbit! by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld, to him (and everyone watching). Harry took the video of the two of them from their LA home, per People.

However, Archie is not really all that into the book, and Meghan struggles to get him to help her turn the pages and pay attention throughout in the most hilarious way.

At one point, she gives Harry a deadpan look as her son insists on turning to the wrong pages and you can hear Harry laugh and help make “quacking” sound effects for the duck. Archie eventually gives up and picks up a second book from the floor and tosses it, making his dad laugh again.

Prince Harry and Archie have a lot more in common than a sense of humor when it comes to books. They also look so alike! Of course, they are father and son, after all, so that shouldn’t be such a shocker, but the similarities are pretty uncanny.

When you look at Prince Harry’s official portrait around the same age as Harry, you can totally see that they share so many characteristics. Just look at a few side-by-sides below.

This isn’t the first time the couple has shared pics of their son, but it’s one of the most compelling glimpses of Archie yet. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex also included him on their official 2019 Christmas card.

The family also shared a glimpse of Archie on New Year’s Day as well — hopefully now that they’re in Los Angeles and don’t have to follow all the royal protocol, they’ll be sharing more pics and videos soon. 

Since leaving the U.K., Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, and baby Archie have settled into a rental home in Los Angeles while they search for more permanent digs. They’ve also been keeping busy with their respective charity work and volunteering together.

One of the first paparazzi pics taken of the couple when they moved to LA was of them volunteering for Project Angel Food, bringing meals to people in the community, decked out in masks and gloves and all. They’ve also hopped onto Zoom calls in the name of philanthropy.

Giving back was always the plan, which they laid out in their announcement that they were stepping back from the royal family back in January. The couple wrote on Instagram, “We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honor our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages.

This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity.”
