Jennifer Lopez And Alex Rodriguez Adopting A Boy AND A Girl?

Are Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez expanding their brood by two? A magazine reports the betrothed couple is adopting a boy and a girl. 

Jennifer Lopez And Alex Rodriguez Having More Kids?

According to a recent article by New Idea Magazine, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez’s blended family is expanding. The magazine claims that the couple is engaged in a “secret adoption” plan, but the low-key scheme almost went awry because the two couldn’t decide on whether to adopt a boy or a girl. The publication states that Lopez and Rodriguez have agreed to adopt one of each.

“Jennifer wants a girl and he wants a boy. It’s as simple as that,” says the outlet’s insider. The unnamed source adds that neither Lopez nor Rodriguez was willing to “back down” and the situation was turning into a real “standoff” until Lopez offered another solution.

Now, the magazine states, the couple “couldn’t be happier” with their decision. “Being in lockdown has brought a strong sense of family out in both of them and they’re so thrilled to be giving a home to two unwanted kids,” concludes the magazine’s insider.

 We reached out to a source close to Lopez and were told that the report is bogus and “absurd.” While Lopez has shared that she does want to have children with Rodriguez,, the two will share the news themselves or through more reliable outlets.

Additionally, this isn’t the first time we’ve busted the tabloids’ incorrect adoption and baby rumors about Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez. A few months ago, we debunked the tabloid Star for purporting that Lopez and Rodriguez were adopting two children.

The very similar and very fabricated piece alleged that the two were looking to adopt children from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. 

Some outlets have even inaccurately claimed Lopez was pregnant. A month later, Gossip Cop dismissed a phony report from NW Magazine that asserted that Lopez was pregnant with a “miracle baby.” The publication insisted the actress had a “baby bump” after being spotted out. Instead of just assuming this to be true.
