Prince Charles Being Crowned King In Secret Ceremony?

The royal family isn’t known for its lowkey coronation ceremonies. When there is something to celebrate, the monarchy will spare no expense and it will be very much publicized and scrutinized. This makes the tabloid story of Prince Charles secretly being crowned King immediately unbelievable. 

According to Woman’s Day, the queen who “had publicly declared she will rule until the day she dies” is having second thoughts due to the pandemic. The queen and Prince Charles “have been quietly planning for a fuss-free abdication followed by a private coronation.”

Prince Charles is disappointed that he won’t get “a coronation with all the bells, whistles, and adoration, but he accepts that’s quite impossible.” Were Prince Charles to become king, “Kate and William will play bigger roles” in the royal family.

“The big question,” an anonymous source ponders, “ is whether [Kate Middleton] will choose to become the Princess of Wales,” an honor forever associated with Princess Diana.

The article takes a quick potshot at Prince Harry as well, saying he and his father’s relationship “has fallen into disrepair.”

Abdication is a very big deal and is a legal process that can’t be decreed. Were the queen to even whisper that she was thinking of abdicating, it would be on the front page of every paper in the world, let alone if she’s actively planning to step down, as this tabloid says.

This tabloid is just one in a slew of stories every year about how either Prince Charles or Prince William will, or have already, taken the throne. It is absurd and should not be believed.

The cover of Woman’s Day proclaims “Charles Crowned King!” In the article itself, it just says he plans on becoming the king while the queen is alive, but the article does not discuss any “secret royal ceremony” as promised on the cover. You don’t secretly become the King of England.

The article does not match the cover story, making this a classic bait and switch from Woman’s Day, just as when it recently said Prince Harry had been deported, when, in fact, the article was about President Trump pondering his deportation (which also isn’t true).

The shoddy reputation of royal Woman’s Day stories precedes this one. Gossip Cop busted its claim that Middleton would give birth this month, because she’s not even pregnant. It once said Prince Charles and Prince William were preparing to “share the throne,” whatever that means. It also said Prince Charles was kicking Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie out of the royal family, but there wasn’t a shred of truth to that story.

When it comes to the royal family, this tabloid goes for the most extreme story it can make up instead of anything true. If and when he becomes King Charles III, or whatever regal name he chooses, there will most certainly be an official ceremony, and you won’t learn about it from a tabloid, it’ll be on every TV in the world.
