Gwyneth Paltrow Facing Financial Trouble After Goop Sales Plummet?

Se7en star Gwyneth Paltrow is the number one face in the lifestyle game. The brand Goop has netted both criticism and millions. One tabloid reports that the brand is a big money loser in the pandemic though, and it could force Paltrow into hard times.

According to the National Enquirer, Paltrow may soon need to find a new source of income. “The belt-tightening caused by the coronavirus pandemic has even hit her lifestyle empire, Goop, causing the actress and entrepreneur to shut down the London branch,” an insider said. She’s now “facing hard times,” as “steep price tags did not play well during the crisis.”

The Iron Man actress “has had to face the reality that this is not a great time for her businesses,” and that means she’s had to make “cuts across the board.” That means no more private jets, 24/7 assistants, or “beauticians who come to [the] house several times a week.” The article concludes by saying that Paltrow is now “taking a more minimalist approach” to her life.

This article acts like Goop had to lay people off because it did something wrong. COVID-19 has caused economic turmoil for most businesses. Cuts are terrible, but they’re not exclusive to Goop. Every physical retail location in particular is feeling the burn of this global pandemic, so it’s unfair of the tabloid to highlight Paltrow specifically.

Goop isn’t slowing down either, as its extravagant online gift guide was just revealed and looks to be as crunchy, and pricey, as ever. Paltrow is still getting work as a spokesperson and continues to invest in new businesses.

The closing of the London store will seriously affect its now unemployed employees, but Paltrow is safely insulated by all her ventures. Even if Goop straight up disappeared, she still has that Avengers money to fall back on.

Gossip Cop has busted the Enquirer many times for pushing bogus stories about the Shakespeare In Love star. It previously claimed she was begging Brad Falchuk, her then-boyfriend now-husband, for acting work.

Paltrow has been an established actress for so long that she now only acts when she wants to, not because she has to.  A few years later, she was supposedly begging Tom Cruise for help in making a movie comeback. As evidenced by Goop’s global takeover, Paltrow needs nobody’s help finding success.

In another Goop-related tall tale, it falsely reported that Paltrow was feuding with Reese Witherspoon over a cookware line. That was especially nonsense because Witherspoon has no cookware line.

Paltrow is someone the tabloids want to see fail, so it’s not surprising to see a riches-to-rags story. She’s doing just fine financially, and by all accounts, Goop will be with us for a long time.
