Naya Rivera’s ex-husband files case against her wrongful death on son Josey’s behalf

Naya Rivera’s ex-husband Ryan Dorsey has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the County of Ventura, United Water Conservation District and Parks and Recreation Management on behalf of his four-year-old son Josey Dorsey.

On Tuesday, the toddler insisted two causes of action of Naya’s death via his guardian, father Ryan.

These causes include 1. wrongful death and 2. negligent infliction of emotional distress.

As claimed by court documents obtained by E! News, “Josey has suffered substantial economic and noneconomic damages as a result of Naya’s death.”

For the second cause of action, the lawsuit insists  Josey suffered “serious emotional distress” as a result of witnessing his mother drown in front of his eyes.

The lawsuit  has been filed “recover the loss or damage that Naya sustained or incurred before death, including any penalties or punitive exemplary damages that Naya would have been entitled to had she lived.”

The late actress’s family lawyers are thus seeking jury trial as well as “actual, compensatory, consequential and punitive damages in amounts to be fixed at trial,” “reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs as available by law,” “pre-judgment and post-judgment interest,” and any “further relief as the Court deems appropriate.”
