In his recent Interviewed with BBC Radio 4’s Margaret Atwood “he was cited, “I needed to confront a lot of opposition, if I may say so. No one truly needed to know at that point. I think they thought I was totally dotty.”
“The difficulty is that, as human being, we will in general move diverted by new technologies of convenience. I don’t think the results are maybe considered.”
“I don’t think the results and the collateral blow-back of these introduction are always maybe pondered. For example, you just need to consider the introduction of nanofibres and nanoparticles into the climate without, I felt at that point, sufficient result.”
That’s led now to all these microplastics in the oceans and elsewhere, and the environment. I remember at the time reading about these new technologies. The key issue, I feel, is always to find a balance in this. You need to look at what these technologies are going to do in the long-term.”
He concluded by saying, “Suddenly people are realising the real crisis and real emergency we now face. So with the Sustainable Markets Initiative, I’m suddenly finding more and more people interested and engaging.”