Prince William’s ghastly temper exposed by palace insider: ‘He could fly off the handle

Prince William has had a turbulent relationship with his father, Prince Charles, and the two were often embroiled in ugly spats amongst themselves.

As described by an insider of the Buckingham Palace, William would at times display his raging temper towards Charles.

The Mail on Sunday‘s royal editor Emily Andrews revealed, “During a frank exchange of views, he [Charles] apparently told William he was being ‘naive’ and rebuked him for his public comments.”

Meanwhile, a former member of the household told the Daily Mail: “William has quite a temper and could fly off the handle at the slightest thing.

“His father was wary of making matters worse,” the source added. Royal biographer Robert Lacey wrote, “In the years after her 2005 marriage to Prince Charles, Camilla has recounted to her own family and close friends her surprise at discovering this unexpected side to Prince Charming – ‘the boy’s got a temper!'”
