You’ll Never Guess What Sharon Osbourne Was Caught Saying–Fans Are Freaking Out!

Sharon Osbourne has been embroiled in a slew of controversy this past week and things only seem to be getting worse. After The Talk was put on hiatus by CBS earlier this week following an investigation into claims that Osbourne created a toxic work environment for minorities and allegedly used a number of offensive and racist terminology to refer to her coworkers, more people have continued to speak out against the 68-year-old’s questionable past.

Earlier this week Osbourne tweeted out support for her friend Piers Morgan after he made racially insensitive remarks regarding Meghan Markle following her bombshell interview with Oprah. However, the tweet quickly earned her firm backlash, particularly with co-host Sheryl Underwood, to which Osbourne eventually apologized on Twitter. However, this was just the tip of the iceberg.

Leah Remini, who acted as Osbourne’s former co-host on The Talk from 2010-2011 spoke out earlier this week, revealing that the 68-year-old had allegedly also called their co-worker Julie Chen ‘wonton’ and ‘slanty eyes,’ making a mockery of Chen’s Asian American heritage. Remini also shared with journalist Yashar Ali that Osbourne had offensive nicknames for their co-host Sarah Gilbert, who is an out and proud lesbian woman and the creator of the show.

Last week, another former co-host of Osbourne’s, Holly Robinson-Peete, tweeted that she too had allegedly been a victim of Osbourne’s racist rhetoric. The 56-year-old wrote, “I’m old enough to remember when Sharon complained that I was too ‘ghetto’ for #theTalk…then I was gone.”

Osbourne then took to Twitter to defend herself, sharing an email that she said was from Peete herself, implying that she was not the reason that Peete was forced to leave the show.

While Osbourne has been vocal in defending herself on social media, more evidence continues to be uncovered regarding her inappropriate and racist conduct over the years. Most recently, she revealed to “Entertainment Tonight” that following the hiatus of The Talk it’s unclear if she will return to the show.
