Melania Trump Realized Husband Donald ‘Isn’t Good For Her,’ Can’t Hide Emotion, Expert Suggests

Melania Trump has realized that she did not make a good choice in sticking with husband Donald Trump, and this is evident in her body language, a relationship expert has claimed.

The Trumps’ marriage has long been a subject of speculation among netizens and in the media, with some, including former White House official Omarosa Manigault Newman, even claiming Melania may divorce her husband once they are out of the White House. The speculation was fueled by the former first lady walking away and leaving Trump alone in front of cameras as soon as they arrived in Florida on the day of President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Commenting on the couple’s relationship, life coach and author John Kenny, founder of Interpersonal Relationship Coaching (IRC), said Melania’s actions suggested that she may be dissatisfied with her husband.

“She may realize that she has chosen to be with someone that isn’t good for her, as her actions dictate, that even in public she finds it hard not to show her emotions,” the self-proclaimed relationship expert told U.K.’s Daily Star. “This comes out in her body language and behavior.”

Kenny also suggested that Melania’s defensive outburst over rumors of them possibly divorcing following the end of Trump’s term shows that she is “struggling with people highlighting her real emotions.” He is reportedly referring to the newly established Office of Melania Trump’s criticism of a CNN article that allegedly suggested the former first lady and her husband are heading for divorce.

“Mrs. Trump is no longer First Lady. She is a private citizen, mother, & wife,” the statement issued in February read. “Sources in this article are not affiliated w her nor have insight into her thoughts or daily life. CNN’s FLOTUS Correspondent choosing to publish false gossip illustrates the media’s unhealthy obsession.”

According to Kenny, the statement may indicate that Melania is having trouble facing the truth, “especially” because she is “being constantly reminded of it.”

“Her comment about an Unhealthy Obsession about her relationship is likely because of the emphasis she is placing on it herself,” Kenny explained.

He continued, “She might be defending her relationship, as now he is no longer president it is ok for her so speak out. But maybe she is struggling with people highlighting her real emotions. The truth can be hard to face, especially if you are being constantly reminded of it.”

Meanwhile, a panel of psychics from earlier predicted that the ex-FLOTUS would divorce her husband this summer and date a new man, a prominent business figure, before the year ends. However, some of those who know the Trumps believe that divorce is unlikely to happen.

“I don’t think Melania leaves Donald. She’s very willingly complicit in his schemes and holds his beliefs as her own. Those two deserve each other,” Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen said.
