BLM Blames Biden for ‘Terrorizing’ Black Communities, Says He is Worse Than Trump

BLM Blames Biden
BLM Blames Biden

Trump better than Biden, BLM blames Biden for ‘Terrorizing’ Black Communities

Black Lives Matter (BLM) has started pointing the finger at United States (US) President Joe Biden for purportedly escalating ‘militarized’ police violence against black communities in America.

According to details, the activist group recently blasted Biden on Twitter.

“Biden’s first 100 days are up in 10 days,” BLM tweeted. “By then we need him to #End1033, which transfers military equipment into the hands of police across the country– including school & campus police. Another example? The military you see out on your streets ahead of the Chauvin verdict.

“Biden is currently sending more military equipment to our neighborhoods than Trump did,” BLM continued. “You read that right. Our communities are being terrorized at a greater rate than they had been under Trump.”

BLM also issued a press release further excoriating Biden for not defunding the police quickly enough.

“Our screens continue to be filled with state-sanctioned violence against Black people,” the group claimed. “And when we peacefully protest in the name of Black lives, we’re met with violence from police. But when white supremacists stormed the Capitol in January, they were invited in and posed for pictures with police.”
“No responsible leader should be increasing the weapons police have access to — and if President Biden cares about the countless Black folks who showed up to put him in office, he would recognize that,” the group continued.

A slogan chanted by tens of thousands around the world, Black Lives Matter has sparked a hashtag, a network of grass-roots organizations, and a moral collective of activists. The main emphasis of BLM is basic human rights and racial equality for Black people and campaigning against various forms of racism.
