Harry Styles Takes Birthday Celebrations to Los Angeles

Harry Styles Touches Down In L.A
Harry Styles Touches Down In L.A

One Direction star flies over the Atlantic to party it up with girlfriend Kendall Jenner

Harry Styles wants to see his lady! He’s probably been dreaming of the St. Barth yacht make-out sessions he enjoyed with Kendall Jenner over the holidays and now he’s back for some more!

We’re told Harry and Kendall rearranged their schedules to make a 16-hour stay together possible. Kendall was set to depart of Paris yesterday but she postponed her flight so she could celebrate her man’s 22nd birthday in Los Angeles.

We’re not sure why Harry’s all into his birthday a full two weeks early, but he celebrated in London before he left and now he’s making sure to get a good party in before Kendall heads to Fashion Week in France. What gives? Does that mean the two aren’t planning to see each other again until after the big day on Feb. 1? That’s just too long!!

via X17
