Sagittarians are restless and stylish. They will never be seen standing still and this can be seen in what they wear. Most Sagittarians are obsessed with travelling. They love to wear trinkets even during their travels. Depending on their mood Sagittarians dress sense can vary from wearing a tshirt only to walking around the house in a kimono. But sagittarians are pretty earthy in temperament. They are people who obsess over comfort and like buying stuff that lasts a lifetime. They would rather have natural fibres instead of canned tinned food. Sagittarians are likely to own a favourite jacket and boots that they will be seen wearing nearlly everywhere.
Sagittarians, however, should be given credit for their personality, they always get noticed. They love colours and like using them in abundance in their wardrobe. Eccentricity is one trait Sagittarians cannot hide. The richer the more appealing the fabric to them. They love wearing fabric that is a mix of velvet, silk, gold and silver brocades. African and Indian style outfits inspire Sagittarians as well. But their real love for adventure comes out in their jewellery and accessories which portray world cultures. They will mostly be seen in jewellery that is eye catching.
The colors for Sagittarians are:
- Indigo
- Orange
- Blue
- Sapphire
- Cobalt
- Lapis lazuli
- Azure
- Navy
- Maroon
This season Sagittarians should wear pearls and gold bracelets. They should also carry a big tote. The fabric for them this season is linen.