Explore your winter wardrobe and turn the Twelve days of Christmas into a fashion extravaganza, while getting a taste of fresh look everyday and inject some cheerful sparkle into your cozy winter dresses. It’s time to take a break from office and tensions and spend some time with your precious loved one with zest of style and beauty.
This time of year, you can throw the fashion rule books out of the frosty window and dress up like a Christmas aficionado, festive fairy or big kid. Begin your countdown on Christmas Eve and continue your festive style journey right through to 00 Night. You can guarantee when your Christmas tree lights go back in the box for another year, you’ll still be shining.
December 24: On the first day of Christmas, make like Santa and tackle the relative rounds on Christmas Eve in a vibrant scarlet coat and big boots.
December 25: “Keep the second day of Christmas cozy and warm and snuggle up for the Queen’s Speech in contrasting layered knitwear.
December 26: Keep the Christmas spirit racing on Boxing Day with a festive print tunic, with plenty of room for turkey leftovers and emptying Quality Street tins.
December 27: “On the fourth day of Christmas hit the seasonal sales armed with a festive sack to keep your Christmas pennies and gift vouchers secure.
December 28: “On the fifth day of Christmas Impress Great Auntie Maud and co and spruce up to the nines for a family gathering in a demure dress. Just perfect for nibbling Christmas canapés.
December 29: “On the sixth day of Christmas pound the frosty icy pavements and check out your neighbors with a pair of insulating booties.
December 30: “On the seventh day of Christmas forget the silly faces and amuse the kids with you penguin knitted hat that looks funny yet cute. Become a Happy Feat!
December 31: “On the eighth day of Christmas show off your sparkling new Christmas jewellery and accessories on New Year’s Eve with the perfect backdrop; the trusty little black dress.
January 1: “On the ninth day of Christmas nurse a New Year hangover and set the Sky+ for a day of festive films while you wallow in your super soft sleepwear to feel cozy.
January 2: “On the tenth day of Christmas, get your healthy New Year’s resolution off to a good start with a brisk stroll in the countryside in snug sheepskin.
January 3: “On the eleventh day of Christmas, meet up with girly mates and bring out the big kid in you by piling on the Fair Isle knits, ear muffs and arm warmers.
January 4: “On the twelfth day of Christmas, beat the back to work blues and keep the festive spirit alive with a subtle wintry print on a prim and proper cardigan.