QAnon Podcast Airs Bishop Larry Gaiters’ Outrageous Claim of Biden’s ‘Satanic Sacrifice’

Airs Bishop Larry Gaiters Biden Satanic Sacrifice
Airs Bishop Larry Gaiters Biden Satanic Sacrifice

A far-right conservative host and a conservative theorist, Bishop Larry Gaiters said that the deaths of Democratic President Joe Biden’s family members were all a “satanic sacrifice” to get him to procure political power. Remember that Biden has lost his first wife Neilia Biden, his daughter Naomi Biden and his eldest son Beau Biden.

Note that Gaiters has made similar claims about other political figures and celebrities as per News Week.

In a recent broadcast of Up Front In The Prophetic, a QAnon-aligned religious podcast, Gaiters said “my two contacts in the FBI” told him that in 2015, Beau the eldest son of Biden didn’t die of brain cancer in 2015.

“Beau Biden was a sacrifice for the political rise of his father,” Gaiters said, “just like the first wife of Joe Biden, Neilia Hunter Biden, was a satanic sacrifice, going back to 1972, that will give way for the rise of the political career of one Joe Biden.”

Neilia Biden and Naomi Biden died in a December 18, 1972 car crash after Neilia Biden pulled her car in front of an oncoming tractor-trailer truck.

The two were declared dead at the scene of the wreck. At the time, Neilia Biden was 30 years old and Naomi Biden was one year old. Biden’s sons, Beau and Hunter Biden survived the crash.

Gaiters also made the same claim about Antron Pippen, the recently deceased son of professional basketball player Scottie Pippen who was “sacrificed to escalate the rise of his father.”

Similarly, Gaiters has said that the January 26, 2020 death of Kobe Bryant in a crashed helicopter marked the completion of a “Luciferian project.” Lucifer is known as Satan, the evil, and also referred to as the Devil.

Gaiters called Lady Gaga, “the witch of the music industry,” is on an “assassination hit list” of an “American roster of witches” who will be decapitated by “the sword of God’s word” in the future.

The point to be noted is that Gaiters is a supporter of Donald Trump, and he called him “the greatest president in U.S. presidential history.” In reality, Trump ranked as the worst president of all time in a 2021 Gallup poll, a 2018 Quinnipiac poll, a 2018 Siena College Research Institute Presidential Expert Poll and a 2017 Morning Consult poll.

Joe Biden and Neilia Biden had only been married six-and-a-half years before her accidental death. They run the 1972 political campaign together and at last Biden became the second-youngest person ever elected to the Senate.

Biden has said that he expected suicide after Neilia Biden’s death, but he didn’t want to abandon his sons. Joe Biden met his current wife, Jill Biden, in 1975. He married her in 1977.

“The incredible bond I have with my children is the gift I’m not sure I would have had had I not been through what I went through [after the fatal accident],” Biden said in a Yale University commencement speech in 2015. “By focusing on my sons, I found my redemption.”
