Camilla’s ‘Political Role’ in Megxit Exposed

CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES may have been more involved with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s decision to leave the Royal Family’s frontline than previously assumed, according to unearthed reports.

Camilla was thought to be one of the most welcoming members of the Royal Family when Meghan first joined, following her wedding to Harry in May 2018. However, royal watchers noticed a significant hesitation from the Duchess of Cornwall when she was asked — on camera — if she would miss the Sussexes when they officially “stepped back” and moved overseas. She did say a brief “of course” before hurrying on. However, reports also emerged in March that Camilla was furious at Meghan for allegedly stealing her spotlight.

The Duchess of Sussex had published photos from a surprise trip to the National Theatre on the same day when Camilla was making an impassioned speech and domestic violence.

Additionally, a royal insider told Radar Online back in January that Harry’s stepmother was more involved with Megxit than previously assumed.

The source said: “Charles hoped Camilla would be a calming influence but he’s been blind to her scheming and stirring that’s been going on behind his back.

“Camilla secretly revels in all this drama. And she’s brilliant at playing all sides, like a conniving politician.”

Reportedly, the insider implied Camilla had encouraged Meghan to make the dramatic choice to leave the Firm.

However, as the International Business Times pointed out in January, “one should take the report with a grain of salt”.

Many believe Camila has a better relationship with Meghan than Kate Middleton, especially as they were often pictured laughing together when the Duchess of Sussex first joined the Firm.

Writing for Vanity Fair back in November, royal correspondent Katie Nicholl revealed that Camilla has often supported Meghan and Harry.

She was reportedly shocked when their explosive ITV documentary, ‘Harry and Meghan: An African Journey’ was released last autumn, as it showed exclusive interviews with both royals where they revealed their great unhappiness with the Firm.

An insider told royal author Ms Nicholl: “I think Camilla was probably just as surprised as anyone else when the documentary came out and perhaps didn’t realise how much Harry and Meghan were suffering.

“She wants everyone to get along and be happy.

“Her mantra is carry on and keep smiling. She doesn’t want to see anyone struggling and she is fond of Meghan, and she could be a very good ally too.”

However, this could have been the very reason Camilla encouraged Meghan and Harry to leave the Firm, so they could be happy.

Additionally, reports from when Kate first joined the Royal Family show how the Duchess of Cornwall was instrumental to her being able to fit in with the rest of the Firm.

On Good Morning America back in 2011, Ms Nicholl said: “For many years, Camilla has been grooming Kate.

“She is in a great position to, possibly the best position, to give Kate advice on how to make it work.”

Having been the royal pariah for several decades due to her affair with Charles, Camilla has now managed to secure a role in the centre of the royal Family and gain the public’s support.

Just a few months before Kate’s wedding to William, Camilla made sure she showed the two of them were on exceptionally good terms by going for a public lunch.

ABC News pointed out: “This is what’s called a statement lunch.

“The group could easily have eaten in the privacy of Clarence House, but they chose to eat in public, unfazed by a photographer.

“The message Kate and Camilla want to send? We’re friends.”

The Telegraph added at the time: “It is clear that Camilla is the one who is setting the pace in this budding cross-generational family bond — after all it was she who made the lunch booking.”

In contrast, Meghan and Camilla’s relationship in recent months has rarely been seen in public.

As the public lunch appeared to solidify Kate’s position within the Royal Family, it is a surprise a similar event did not take place between Meghan and Camilla.
