Maximo Alvarez, who fled to the United States (US) from Cuba under Operation Peter Pan in 1961, blames the media and “indoctrination” in the country’s classrooms as proof.
“Not only have they swallowed it, they digested it. Listen to the media. They’re no longer objective. You can tell how much they hate this country,” Alvarez said on an episode of the podcast The Truth with Lisa Boothe.
He said that communism has successfully infiltrated American culture and institutions. “Look at our, our academia!” he continued. “Our kids are not being … they’re indoctrinated! They are taught that America is a bad country.
That we’re a bunch of racists, that we’re bad people, and we have to pay back. If this country was racist, I wouldn’t be here. If this country was a racist country, most of us wouldn’t be here because even some people in your family came from another country.”
Alvarez said communism in America has been in the works for years, pointing to how Catholics aren’t vocal in denouncing abortion anymore, how laws ban prayer in school, and how Democrats are adamant about passing gun control.
“Gun control? Every time there’s a shooting, you want to have gun control. You know why? Because they’re afraid the only way out of this is a civil war,” he said.
“Make sure that kids are no longer educated, they’re indoctrinated,” he added. “Make sure that people hate each other. Envy, hatred. Make sure that the blacks hate the whites. Make sure that the rich hate the poor.
Make sure that the people who live in the city hate the people who live on the farm. It’s all part of the Communist Manifesto, and Saul Alinsky points that out very, very well.”
“I saw this coming. I not only said it in that speech at the convention, but I've been saying this before. I started saying that when all of a sudden we had a law passing us in our country, that you couldn't say a prayer in school, that's the beginning. That's how they do it.”
— Lisa Boothe
(@LisaMarieBoothe) April 28, 2021
Maximo Alvarez on Nikita Khrushchev: “And in that speech, he says, one day the United States of America will be communist and we will not even have a war. We will infiltrate their education, we'll infiltrate society, we'll infiltrate their youth.”
— Lisa Boothe
(@LisaMarieBoothe) April 28, 2021