Victoria Beckham Upset Over David Beckham’s Attractive New Assistant?

David And Victoria Beckham
David And Victoria Beckham

Is Victoria Beckham livid over David Beckham’s choice to hire a female assistant? This would be a sign of severe mistrust for the famous couple. 

According to New Idea, Victoria is unhappy “about her husband’s new right-hand woman,” Loulou Dundas. The tabloid says the former spice girl is “like a duck paddling furiously underneath the surface,” which is some impressive imagery we didn’t expect. Anyway, Dundas comes from an “aristocratic background” which makes Victoria feel “insecure.”

Her fear also stems from when “their marriage was nearly destroyed by David’s flirtation and an alleged affair with ex-assistant Rebecca Loos.” David is doing “his best to reassure her,” but Victoria is still dazed. This tabloid relies exclusively on speculation and over a decade old story to get its point across. 

Most of this article is just a negative spin on a Daily Mail article concerning the hiring of Dundas. Dundas isn’t going to be a personal assistant as this tabloid implies. She’s going to be the head of communications for David Beckham Ventures.

She likely isn’t working in close quarters to Beckham at all and will do most of her work with brands like Adidas. Even if it was his personal assistant though, there’s no reason to assume Victoria would feel “insecure” about “her aristocratic background.”

Victoria and David Beckham are doing just fine. Both are business partners and are very active on Instagram. She posts a photo with David about once a month, most recently to promote some new sunglasses.

Photos like this shatter the idea that the relationship is holding on by threads. This tabloid would have you believe Victoria, the head of her own fashion company and world-famous recording artist, is nothing but jealous and insecure. She’s not, and this is a bogus report.

As for the Loos story, Beckham dismissed the cheating story as “ludicrous” at the time, and there’s no evidence that it posed a serious threat to the marriage. Victoria said the tabloid feeding frenzy made the couple tighter: “we’ve come out of everything we’ve been through stronger and happier.”

This is ancient history at this point, and every time Beckham hires a woman we don’t need stories of how afraid it makes Victoria. She’s moved on, and the tabloid should too.

This tabloid said Victoria was arguing with her soon-to-be daughter-in-law Nicola Peltz over which Royals to invite to Peltz’s wedding. A year ago, Victoria was so insecure that she was jealous over a TV commercial where David played a groom. If that doesn’t expose how little regard New Idea has for Victoria Beckham, then we don’t know what will.

This tabloid loves publishing stories about jealous couples. Julia Roberts’ husband was once angry over her flirting with Matthew McConaughey at a table read that never ended up happening. Jennifer Aniston was upset over Brad Pitt befriending Margot Robbie, which is twice as absurd considering Aniston isn’t even dating Pitt. Tabloids love stories of jealous couples, regardless of whether or not any jealousy is warranted or even exists.

