Eugenie’s sister Beatrice ‘BANNED’ from seeing her niece!

Princess Eugenie’s baby joy has seemingly been overshadowed by her father Prince Andrew’s sex scandal and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

And now, it appears the 30-year-old has been dealt another tragic blow, with reports suggesting the expectant mother’s family won’t get to meet her baby until long after the birth.

With Eugenie’s due date fast approaching at the beginning of 2021, and London still under Tier 4 restrictions, the likelihood of the princess’ family being banned from the delivery room is high.

While Eugenie hasn’t revealed her exact due date, reports estimate the baby will arrive in late January or February, which could mean Tier 4 restrictions will still be in place

According to UK strict government guidelines, Tier 4 restrictions require people to stay home and there is a stringent ban on households mixing.

What’s more, the nearest hospital to Eugenie’s Kensington Palace home is Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, and if the princess chooses to go there, she can only have one support person.

The hospital website states: “The current COVID-19 pandemic means we are required to make difficult decisions relating to the service that we provide.

“We make these decisions based on our duty of care both to you as expectant parents and to the staff who work for our NHS services.

“We ask, at the moment, that you continue to only have one designated person who will be your support person throughout your pregnancy and birth care.

“We ask that you do not swap this person with any other unless they become unwell themselves and so are unable to attend to support you.

“Should this person become unwell during your labour and birth and has to return home, an alternative person may attend.

“We base these decisions on local infection rates, current hospital admissions, staff sickness and any lockdown in England,” the message concluded.

As a result of the strict guidelines, it’s expected  Eugenie’s sister Beatrice and parents Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew won’t get to meet the newborn until long after the birth.

Eugenie and hubby Jack brooksbank first revealed their pregnancy in late September, when Buckingham Palace confirmed that the couple were expecting.

“Her Royal Highness Princess Eugenie and Mr Jack Brooksbank are very pleased to announce that they are expecting a baby in early 2021,” the official statement read.
