Ford’s injury could jeopardize shooting of fifth Indiana Jones

Ford’s injury
Ford’s injury

At the same time, the director assures that everything is going according to plan.

The injury that Harrison Ford sustained in late June on the set of the fifth Indiana Jones could jeopardize the filming process, as a new shoulder bruise reopened the old wound.

Three insiders speak at once about serious problems of the project, official information from Lucasfilm has not been received. Meanwhile, the 78-year-old actor with a cradle band on his arm was caught by the paparazzi.

Writer Grace Randolph said filming would be suspended for at least six weeks, WDW Pro insider talk about an eight-week hiatus, and The Sun author Simon Boyle says production of the film about the aged archaeologist will resume only in September 2021.

Earlier it became known that Ford went too far with tricks while creating a scene on the roof of a Nazi train, this black monster has already been shown to fans of “Indiana” in all its glory.

Director James Mangold, amid all these rumors, developed a stormy activity on social networks, assuring fans that the shooting was continuing, and nothing terrible had happened.

The premiere of the fifth part of the franchise is scheduled for the summer of 2022.
