Former Secretary Of Defense Testified Trump Requested National Guard To “Protect The Demonstrators” Ahead Of January 6th Riot

Secretary Of Defense
Secretary Of Defense

Frankly, there is a lot to unpack regarding the January 6th MAGA riot on the Capitol building and the National Gaurd’s response to such. At the time, several reports were somewhat conflicting over what actually took place when it comes not only to the National Guard’s response, but who ordered it, and why it took so long.

At first, it appeared as though then-Vice President Mike Pence was actually the one to make the call. But later on, Trump claimed that he did. Either way, it took an exceptionally long time for someone, anyone, to make them show up and even start to get a handle on the violent riot that was going down on Capitol Hill, at a building full of this nation’s Congresspeople.

But now, Donald Trump’s former Secretary of Defense has taken to the stand to deliver testimony on what he experienced during the days surrounding that infamous attack. And, as it turns out, while Trump may not have been quick to deploy the National Guard to put a stop to the riot, it seems as though he was anxious in the days before the attack to ensure that his base would have protection.

In his recent testimony, Miller claims that he met with then-President Trump on the 3rd of January, just three days before the fateful attack, and Trump at the time made a request for the National Guard to be deployed to the site of the upcoming “protest.” But not to ensure that the protesters stayed in line. No, Donald, rather, was concerned about keeping his supporters safe.

Miller claimed that Trump said to “do whatever was necessary to protect the demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights.”

