Harrison Ford, Calista Flockhart’s Marriage ‘On The Rocks’?

From the moment they started dating, Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford have had to deal with petty tabloid commentary about the over twenty year age difference between them. A tabloid is now calling their relationship “on the rocks.

According to Woman’s Day, Flockhart is upset that her son Liam is off to college, but “not just because she’s got a bad case of the empty nest.”

The magazine claims it’s because she’s “totally underwhelmed” about living with her husband. The tabloid calls Fold a “grumpy old man” who is “pretty set in his ways.”

The tabloid says the only source of joy for Ford is not his wife nor seeing their son off to Amherst College; it’s his reckless flying.

A so-called friend of Flockhart says she “desperately wishes he’d quit, for everyone’s safety, not just his!” The tabloid concludes by saying Flockhart is “going to be unbelievably lonely – and grumpy old Harrison’s only going to make it worse.” Flockhart’s spokesperson went on the record with Gossip Cop and called this story “false.”

In a 2003 interview, Calista Flockhart said, regarding their age difference, “It doesn’t factor into our relationship at all. I like the way he looks first thing in the morning.”

If she’s not bothered by the age difference, then we shouldn’t be bothered by it either. The two have been together for nearly twenty years, so perhaps it’s time to put these “grumpy” stories away.

New Idea, a sister publication to this one, claimed earlier this summer that the Ally Macbeal star would leave Ford over his love of flying. Gossip Cop busted that story after a spokesperson for Ford dismissed it as “absolutely false.” It seems like Ford and Flockhart are just in rotation for baseless splitting rumors.

New Idea was also the culprit behind a debunked divorce rumor surrounding Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. The age gap is always a primary concern in tabloid stories surrounding these two.

Douglas and Zeta-Jones are still happily together, despite what this or any tabloid says. In the case of age gaps, it really seems like it bothers tabloids a lot more than it bothers the couples.

We recently busted this very tabloid for purporting Ben Affleck’s “insecurity about dating a younger woman” was causing him to become workout-obsessed. The tabloid once claimed Tom Cruise was dating Sofia Boutella, which was not true, and brought up their age gap as a reason her family would be concerned. 

Gossip Cop busted these stories which use age-panic to sell papers. While it’s likely bittersweet for Flockhart to watch her son leave the nest, there’s no reason to believe she sees her husband as a boring and grumpy man.
