Shock claim: Harry and Meghan are ‘struggling’

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are visibly “struggling to work as a team”, according to a body language expert.

Since quitting royal life, the couple have appeared to present a united front.

However, Louise Mahler says closer analysis of Meghan, 39, and Harry, 35, during a recent video call regarding the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust reveals an entirely different story.

“When Meghan speaks, it is her taking the stage and Harry immediately looks at the floor. She is not working with him, not referencing him, there is no connection with Harry at all,” explains Louise.

“She uses the word ‘I’, not ‘we’.”

Meanwhile, Harry reportedly displays visible signs of discomfort, which Louise interprets as the “manifestation of someone giving away their power”.

“Harry is biting his lip, which represents holding back comment,” Louise explains.

“He is looking down to reflect emotion, with his eyes wandering as Meghan speaks.”

Louise suggests that these subconscious body language displays are an indication of broader issues in the couple’s relationship.

“They are struggling to work as a team,” she says.

“This is now the Meghan show, with Harry the side act.”

The royal revelation comes after another expert gave insight into the mind of Harry, which may explain why he is apparently finding it so difficult to adapt to life away from the palace.

Speaking to ITV’s Royal Rota, royal biographer Angela Levin reflected on a comment allegedly once made by the Duke, which she believes may explain his inability to thrive in LA.

According to Angela, Harry’s military days had a tremendous influence on how he manages tasks, with the Duke apparently feeling that nothing can be achieved if not done in a team.

She then illustrated the “team” concept further by commenting on how Harry is a team player, conditioned by the army, who strives to appease the captain – in this case, the Queen.

“The Queen is the captain, isn’t she?” Angela told host Chris Ship, before claiming that, as a team player, Harry probably feels he has to play for the team and not just himself.

“Harry said it was very important to him and he loved it,” she alleged, referring to Harry’s military conditioning.

“He felt that you couldn’t really achieve anything without being a team,” she said.
