Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Having Marriage Problems According To A Body Language Expert

A body language expert has told one tabloid that there are major relationship issues between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Just how much stock should be put into this story? We think you can guess.

According to New Idea, the Sussexes can’t hide their issue, as “subconscious body language displays are an indication of broader issues.” Watching Zoom call, a body language expert who likely has never spoken to the Sussexes noticed “when Meghan speaks, it is her taking the stage and Harry immediately looks at the floor.”

The purpose of this article is to reaffirm the stupid idea that Markle is controlling Prince Harry through her feminine wiles. This body language expert says Harry’s discomfort is the “manifestation of someone giving away their power.” A few errant looks mean, in this tabloid’s eyes, that “this is now the Meghan show, with Harry the side act.”

This article is preposterous. What does this expert want, for Prince Harry to repeatedly talk over his wife and assert dominance or something? Plus, his attention in this environment should be on his computer screen to look at the other people in the call, not on the person sitting next to him. Zoom calls aren’t couples therapy, and therefore this report can be disregarded.

This so-called expert is looking at a grainy Zoom interview to conclude that an entire family is in danger. The actual Zoom call itself was for the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, and in it, both the Duke and Duchess of Sussex praised Queen Elizabeth, something conveniently left out of this story.

Prince Harry has a lot to say in this clip, and his looking down could mean anything. For one thing, Prince Harry’s level of discomfort is exaggerated, but who feels completely comfortable on Zoom anyway? Plus, the computer-camera is clearly below his line of sight so he literally has to look down. This article takes the principles of couples therapy and distorts them to prove a point while blissfully ignoring what the interview shows.

The Sussexes would not do this call if they were in relationship trouble. They would not be working together as producers for Netlfix or doing as much charity work as they’ve been doing together. We can judge their actions and see the two are in lockstep, or you can listen to this alleged expert who thinks biting his lip must only mean Harry is “holding back comment.” This article is patently absurd.
