Prince Harry And Prince William Have Exhumed Princess Diana Again?

This week marks 23 years since the tragic death of Princess Diana. The tabloids, who played a role in her paparazzi-related death, are using the occasion to reignite some terrible conspiracy theories. One tabloid is claiming her body is being exhumed for least a second time per the wishes of her sons Prince Harry and William

‘New Diana Death Probe’

Vultures at Globe are claiming that “Prince William and Harry have secretly arranged for the body of… Princess Diana to be exhumed a second time,” or so supposed palace sources claim. Apparently, the princes believe their mother’s death “may have been a murder ordered by the same people who forced” Meghan Markle “to flee Britain.”

Prince Charles Is Against The Exhumation

The tabloid claims Prince Charles is “threatening to withhold a $360,000 yearly allowance” from his children unless they stop looking into a new investigation. This implies the Prince of Wales knows something nefarious about his ex-wife’s death and wants it to remain covered up.

The tabloid runs through a series of conspiracy theories around Diana’s death, including the charge that “old palace guard wanted Diana terminated because she was more popular than any of the other royals.” Just embarrassing and horrible stuff all around.

Globe Should Be Ashamed

The tabloid insists that the Prince’s “had her exhumed about five years ago.” There is not a shred of evidence that Diana has ever, or will ever be exhumed. This is the same tabloid that said Princess Diana had a secret daughter that allegedly warned Markle about Prince Charles. This tabloid is predatory, bogus, and deceitful.

You Can’t Secretly Exhume A Well Guarded Grave

One cannot privately perform an exhumation in the first place. It requires applying for a license and just causes, like a coroner’s request for forensic evidence or a desire to move remains. This means there would be a public record of the request.

Princess Diana’s gravesite is extremely well covered by the press, so any attempt to exhume her body would result in massive press coverage. Prince Harry cannot even visit the gravesite without it being news, so a full-blown exhumation would be international news. The coverage of this alleged exhumation is limited to this one rotten tabloid.

Continuous Targeting Of Meghan Markle

In bolded text beneath the conspiracy theories, the tabloid says “Princes fear Kate and Meghan are at risk,” and implies Markle was forced to flee the UK. The Sussexes decision to step back from royal duties is extremely personal and well documented. It had nothing to do with threats within the royal family, and everything to do with trashy tabloid coverage like this.

This tabloid has been relentlessly against Markle, so the gall of them to cite her name in this horrible story is all the more despicable. In this story of exhumation, it’s Prince Charles cutting the Sussexes off. A few months ago, it was Kate Middleton threatening the same.

This tabloid once claimed Markle gave Prince Harry a divorce ultimatum which stipulated he was never to speak to his family again. Apparently now he’s lockstep with his family. On top of being inconsistent.
