SCAM! Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Used As Bait In Bitcoin Fraud

THE Duke and Duchess of Sussex are being used as bait by Bitcoin scammers to trick investors into handing over their personal details.

Fake adverts using their photographs and made-up interviews with the royal couple claim Bitcoin schemes can help you “rake in millions of pounds from home”.

The latest spate of clickbait appeared as a paid-for advert on language education app Duolingo, reports The Mirror.

One of the ads claims to be a “powerful message from Meghan” Markle which takes you to what it claims is a BBC report about the pair appearing on ITV’s This Morning.

The made-up article claims that the pair told Phillip Schofield about a “wealth loophole” that can “transform anyone into a millionaire within three to four months”.

The so-called investment scheme is called Bitcoin Evolution and you’re asked to click through to another website to find out more information.

Users are greeted with a red banner warning that registration closes soon with a five-minute countdown clock, designed to put pressure on hesitant investors.

The website features testimonials from fake customers that claim “in the first 47 days [they] made $10k”.

It claims it can make people rich quick and promises no fees or commission, but it does ask users to invest an initial $250 (£201).

Once users complete the registration they are then redirected to a website that doesn’t deal with Bitcoin, but instead gambles on Contracts for Differences or CDFs.

This is a highly risky and complex form of trading and shouldn’t be entered into unwittingly or lightly.

Duolingo has since removed the advert from its platform after it was alerted to it by the publication.

The app told The Mirror: “While we don’t choose who advertises with us, we are able to move quickly to block content that is deemed inappropriate.

“Additionally, we maintain an extensive list of blocked topics and advertisers to prevent inappropriate ads from appearing.

“Out of the millions of ads served on Duolingo each day, occasionally something like this slips through and needs to be blocked after appearing.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been contacted for comment.
