Prince Harry Rumored To Be Beginning Work On Princess Diana Movie

There has been some speculation as to what films Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will produce in their new Netflix deal. One outlet says it will be a movie about Prince Harry’s mother, Princess Diana

In an exclusive, the National Enquirer claims that the “megabucks production deal” the Sussexes recently penned with Netflix sill launch “with a tribute to his beloved mother, Princess Diana.” An insider says Prince Harry “wants to create a definitive work to honor her.”

Netflix was said to be “thrilled with the couple’s deal” because “Hollywood knows there’s one story the public really wants him to tell. His own.” The article then starts to list off some conspiracy theories related to Princess Diana’s death. Prince Harry, according to the article, believes those theories and wants to discuss them in the film.

Before now, he couldn’t, because the palace’s policies wouldn’t allow it.  Now “that’s changed now that he’s walked away from his royal duties.” Now, Prince Harry “has a score to settle.” The article closes by saying Prince Charles is “sure to be devastated” by his son “trading on his former royal status.”

The tabloid never elaborates on just what form this tribute would be. Is it a drama, like the upcoming film Spencer, which Prine Harry has nothing to do with? Or is it a documentary-like Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy, which both Prince Harry and Prince William worked on in 2017? This article lacks even the most basic details of a proper press release.

News like this, Prince Harry producing work about his mother, would come from a proper film outlet and not this tabloid. Without offering any details beyond the very vague. This tabloid reported that Prince William was seizing power while Queen Elizabeth was on her death bed.

It reported that Prince Charles bought a California mansion for the Sussexes, which Prince William was furious about. It even reported that Markle had stolen $10 million in Princess Diana’s jewelry. None of these stories were true. Whoever these “palace insiders” are, it seems they are not working in Buckingham Palace, because as sources, they are clearly clueless.

These stories are all outrageous on their own, but collectively we can see just how inane these stories are. It’s always possible that Prince Harry ends up making a documentary about his mother, but this tabloid cannot even commit to calling it a documentary. Without a proper announcement, all this tabloid can do is speculate on what Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could end up making.
