Prince Harry sends emotional email to family of teen who died during lockdown

During the annual WellChild awards in 2015, Prince Harry spent a lot of time with the winner of the Most Caring Young Person award, Ruby Smallman, and her family.

Harry met with both Ruby’s parents and her older sister, Holly and the encounter must have left a lasting impression on Harry, as he has written to them years later, after Holly’s tragic passing.

Holly Smallman, 18, passed away peacefully in her sleep on March 27, following complications of an illness she has had since birth. 

Due to government restrictions, the family was only allowed to invite a very small number of people to Holly’s funeral. The family was struggling to come to terms with their loss, and the unusual situation regarding commemorating her death, when Holly and Ruby’s mother Hayley came across a heartfelt email from Prince Harry among the thousands they received.

After meeting the family in 2015, and receiving a gift from Ruby, who was just seven at the time, the encounter with the family was clearly a memorable one for Prince Harry as he felt compelled to share his condolences via an email upon hearing of Holly’s passing.

He wrote: ‘I feel so fortunate to have met Holly in 2015 when her sister Ruby received a WellChild Award. Holly was evidently a very special and happy girl, despite her significant challenges, and she clearly had an extra special relationship with her siblings.

‘It was a great privilege to spend time with you all, particularly Holly’, Harry adds.

Prince Harry was gifted a handmade ceramic penguin in his likeness from Ruby, which he clearly still remembers and holds dear, as he mentions it in his email to the family.

Prince Harry has been a patron of the WellChild foundation for over 10 years, and in his email he thanks the family, especially mother Hayley for their continued support and involvement with the charity, which he holds close to his heart.

‘Hayley, I know since you have been an avid WellChild supporter and ambassador; it’s been a pleasure to see you again on a few occasions.’

‘I’ve heard just how much you’ve done for other parents caring for children with complex needs, helping to push forward programmes and campaigns that provide support to these families.’

He appears truly in awe of the strength and positivity of the Smallman family. He continues to say: ‘Given everything you have both dealt with personally, this is truly selfless and inspirational. I am so grateful to you, as I know many other people and families will be too.’

He admires their ability to multitask, balancing raising a family with diverse needs and being such active members for the foundation: ‘Huge respect for juggling so many plates and always being able to put a smile on people’s faces.’

Harry concludes his heartfelt letter to the Smallman family by expressing his’ and Meghan’s condolences for their loss: ‘I imagine words cannot really hope to provide much comfort to you and your family at this most difficult of times, but I wanted you to know that you, and your daughter Ruby, and your son Josh, are all in my thoughts and prayers.’

‘Meghan and I send our deepest and most heartfelt condolences.’ he adds, before signing off with a simple: ‘Harry’. 

Despite also having a lot on their plate with their move to LA, recent charity and volunteering ventures, and son Archie who turns one next month, Harry has been still keeping up with his patronages, including WellChild. He praises the families involved with WellChild, calling them: ‘Super-Parents’ for their grace under recent pressures. 
