Prince Harry ‘Snubbed’ Queen Elizabeth On Her Birthday?

Did Prince Harry and Prince William get into an argument because the Duke of Sussex snubbed the queen on her birthday? That’s the claim a tabloid is making this week. 

Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 94th birthday this week and in honor of that, the National Enquirer invented a story alleging Prince Harry refused to fly back to surprise her. His refusal, the unreliable outlet contends, set Prince William off and the two had their “ugliest fight ever.” A so-called “high-level palace courtier” tells the magazine, “It was Harry at his hot-headed best.”

The dubious source says of the supposed argument, “He told William he had to be kidding, that the royals had treated him and his wife Meghan [Markle] so badly, there was no way he was ever setting foot on British soil again!”

Prince William, according to the sketchy source, “desperately begged Harry to stop putting Meghan’s wishes over his to duty to Her Majesty and the country, especially during the worldwide coronavirus pandemic.”

The tabloid goes on and on, taking shots at Prince Harry and his wife. Markle is treated especially harshly in the piece, as she often is by this disreputable paper. The outlet calls Prince Harry “henpecked” and calls Markle a “shameless publicity hound.”

The tabloid also recounts a claim it made last week that the queen was dying, something that is also not true.

Here are the facts: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle did not “snub” Queen Elizabeth. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are living in California and if you haven’t turned on the news this year, there is a global health crisis going on and travel between Europe and the United States is cut off, as it is with most of the rest of the world. There is literally no way for Prince Harry to get there right now.

Additionally, the queen is self-isolating with her husband, Prince Philip, at Windsor Castle and has been since the virus started spreading in the UK. No one “surprised” her for her birthday, including Prince William. Did the tabloid even think this story through? It makes no logical sense on any level.

Finally, the palace announced that Prince Harry, Markle, and their son, Archie, did in fact have a video chat with the queen on her birthday. So no, he didn’t snub her.

Instead, this tabloid simply invented a bogus story as an opportunity to take potshots at Prince Harry and his wife, as it so often does. And, of course, sell magazines.

As shameful as it is, it’s hardly surprising. The National Enquirer publishes this bologna all the time in regards to The Firm.

Early this month, Gossip Cop called the paper out for falsely claiming Queen Elizabeth was dying of cancer, while last week, it asserted it was heart disease. Last month, the tabloid contended the queen ‘snubbed’ Markle at the royal couple’s final engagement as senior members of the royal family. 

Gossip Cop has also called out the publication so many times for wrongly predicting who the next king will be so many times we’ve lost count. Everything this tabloid writes about the royal family is flat wrong.
