Prince Harry’s quirky habit that drives Meghan up the wall

Even members of the royal family can get into marital spats about maintaining their household. In the 2018 documentary Prince, Son, and Heir: Charles at 70, Prince Harry talked about what he has learned from his father, Prince Charles, who happens to be an avid environmentalist.

According to Business Times, the new California resident said that his father is “a stickler for turning lights off.” Thanks to his father’s influence, Prince Harry admitted that he’s “obsessed with [turning the lights off] as well” to conserve energy usage.

Conserving energy usage is an admirable habit to have. However, the ginger’s wife Meghan Markle is actually not too fond of it. During the documentary, the Invictus Games founder revealed, “My wife certainly goes, ‘Well, why turn the lights off? You know, it’s dark.’ I go, ‘We only need one light. We don’t need, like, six.'” Apparently, the Suits alum dislikes being in the dark. 

Nevertheless, the new dad recognizes the importance of carrying on his own father’s tendency. He explained, “All of a sudden it becomes a habit and those small habit changes he’s making, every single person can do. And I think it’s one of the key lessons that he taught us.”

Harry’s older brother Prince William is also cognizant of his own electricity usage. In the documentary, the Duke of Cambridge shared, “I know, I’ve got serious OCD on light switches now, which is terrible.” At this point, it’s unclear if that light switch-related tendency bothers his wife, Kate Middleton, too.

Aside from making sure the lights aren’t overused at his many different homes, Prince Charles has adopted many other environmentally conscious habits at all of his residences. In 2010, he had solar panels installed at Clarence House, his primary place of residence. In 2016, he got new solar panels.

The Clarence House Instagram account documented the latter installation, sharing, “they are expected to generate over 6,000 kWh electricity each year! This is about the same as the electricity used by two typical households.”

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla Parker Bowles also have a Welsh property, referred to as “Llwynywermod.” The property has two different cottages, according to Wales Online. The materials used to build Llwynywermod came from local companies, in addition to using materials already on the property.

Additionally, the cleaning products at the home have been selected in an effort to minimize their environmental impact. Even the kitchen sink has a sewage system that offers a natural way to filter water.

The outdoor gardens are free of pesticides and artificial fertilizers. And, of course, there’s the lighting. The whole property has energy-efficient appliances, which include low-energy lighting, and most likely, an emphasis on making sure the lights are not overused.

While Prince Harry attributes his love for the environment to his father, anyone can find out how it feels to live like Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, since Llwynywermod is also available to rent on occasion. 

In June 2018, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle highlighted organizations that have been working toward environmental changes on their now-defunct Instagram page. Their Instagram post included a statement from Prince Harry himself.

He explained, “With nearly 7.7 billion people inhabiting this Earth, every choice, every footprint, every action makes a difference.” And being responsible with light switches is included in those actions.

While it’s great that the couple preaches about environmental responsibility, they have faced some major heat for their perceived inconsistencies. In August 2019, CNN reported the pair and their son Archie were photographed boarding a private plane.

Elton John said he paid for the plane, since the family was visiting his home. People felt that using a private plane was hypocritical, given their very public stance on climate change. 

In September 2019, Prince Harry addressed the backlash during a speech he gave in Amsterdam. People reported that he said, “I spend 99% of my life traveling the world by commercial. Occasionally, there needs to be an opportunity based on a unique circumstance to ensure my family [is] safe and it’s genuinely as simple as that.”

Harry continued, “We can all do better and while no one is perfect, we all have a responsibility for our own individual impact. The question is what we do to balance it out.” And sometimes, part of achieving that balance involves turning a light switch off — even if it annoys a spouse.
