Jennifer Lopez, Alex Rodriguez Still Getting Married?

COVID-19 has forced millions of us to reassess our plans for the future, including Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez. The world-famous couple was supposed to get married this year but had to delay the wedding due to the pandemic. The two should get married in due time and are still together. They post photos of each other on Instagram frequently.

Despite this easily accessible evidence that the two are doing fine, tabloids still constantly try to use this wedding delay as evidence that the two are breaking up. We can start off with some classic tabloid fat-shaming from the National Enquirer. The classless headline, “A-Rod Too Roly-Poly For Gym-Toned J.Lo,” fronted a story about how Rodriguez was getting fat.

This apparently disgusted the fitness-obsessed Lopez so much that a so-called source suspected Rodriguez would “eat his way out the relationship.” Lopez shares flattering photos of Rodriguez all the time, including topless ones. He may not be in the same shape he was as an MVP and world series champion, but Rodriguez is hardly “disgusting.”

The headline of Woman’s Day outlined its story quite succinctly: “J.Lo Tells A-Rod: You Cheat, You Pay.” The magazine alleged that “all hell’s broken loose over the prenup and Jen’s about ready to call Alex’s bluff and dump him if he doesn’t sign on the line.”

Lopez supposedly wanted Rodriguez to pay $250 million if he cheats, which his lawyers thought he should fight. This is actually a pretty common tabloid trope, and we busted a story very similar to it a year earlier. It seems like the tabloids are running out of ideas.

According to Woman’s Day, the couple was arguing because Lopez wouldn’t wear her engagement ring because Rodriguez wouldn’t sign a prenup. A dubious insider said, “This is all part of negotiating. The wedding’s been on and off more times than a tap and it’s all part of her plan to lock him down.”

That’s a rather sexist sentiment to say Lopez was trapping Rodriguez by marrying him. Instagram shows that the two are doing just fine, and not wearing a ring can have more to do with comfort than breaking Rodriguez’s spirit.
