Jennifer Lawrence decides to marry: the wedding list

Jennifer Lawrence convolerà wedding with the art dealer Cooke Maroney. Or, perhaps, it has already married.

The fact is that the twenty-eight actress inaugurates a collaboration with Amazon, who reveals his preferences, some quite atypical.

On the well-known e-commerce portal, the Hollywood star publishes its own list of wedding, also to support the Amazon Rainforestravaged by fires in recent months. This is not, of course, on the private list of Jennifer Lawrence (that will be delivered only to friends), but rather, suggestions to users about to use of the simple service.


Planning a wedding can be exhaustingwrites the protagonist of The Hunger Gamesso, for those who need a bit of inspiration, and shares some of his favourite subjects. By straight, it is evident that Jennifer Lawrence you love to take care of your body, invite friends home for a drink or dinner and to travel in a conscious way.

Jennifer Lawrence Hot

In the wedding list, there really is something for all tastes and for all the possibilities. The actress ranges from cream for dry skin (the gift cheapest ever, only 8 euros), a bronze brazier and a wire to keep the lights suitable for a terrace.

Then the tv $ 1,500, the yoga mat and many kitchen utensils, from the rolling pin marble the pasta machine creates a spaghetti of vegetables, to the set for the bourguignonne.

Jennifer Lawrence is already the wife?

Gifts that have the flavor of family? Certainly the relationship with Cooke, which started more than a year, has freed of the moral after the disappointment in love with the film’s director Darren Aronofsky.

The art merchant, 34 years old, and the Oscar winner were spotted at the exit of the marriage office New york city, accompanied, according to the The New York Postfrom a friend, two bodyguards and a photographer. At the exit, the Hollywood star has hidden by the fingers of the left hand, as if trying to cover the faith, is an unequivocal sign of a marriage already celebrated.
