Joe Biden is about to lock up a lot of black people

If the Biden administration is serious about cracking down on the supposed rise in anti-Asian American violence and bias, it’s going to have to take a break from all that racial “equity” it’s been hyping.

And it’s going to have to prepare itself to lock up a lot of black people (and maybe a few Hispanics).

The White House on Tuesday announced “additional actions” that President Joe Biden would direct to “respond to Anti-Asian violence, xenophobia and bias.”

If you haven’t heard, there’s some evidence of rashes of anti-Asian sentiment breaking out across the country. Well, mostly in New York and parts of California, where those rashes have existed for decades, but we’re told by some advocacy groups and some local police departments that it’s gotten worse.

The New York Times reported that part of Biden’s initiative will be “prioritizing prosecution of those who commit hate crimes” against people of Asian descent.

I guess that’s a good thing, but what happens when prioritizing the prosecution of anti-Asian hate crimes disproportionately affects the black community?

It will. Anyone tracking the sporadic incidents of violence against people of Asian descent lately will have noticed a pattern. The attackers are almost exclusively black men.
