Justin Bieber got a helping hand from Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande amid scandals

Justin Bieber’s troubled past is no news for the world but what many may be unaware of is how the singer was consistently given a helping hand by his fellow musicians.

As per a report, Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande had stepped forth to come to the aid of the Baby crooner after he found himself ensnared within scandals.

While the sexual misconduct allegations against the singer may have just been exposed, his dark past with drugs and alcohol led to him getting into legal trouble quite often.

Cyrus, who had sullied her name with ample controversies as well, had given a word of advice on how to ward off trouble.

“You’ve got a lot of money. Pay people to make sure you don’t get in trouble. And party at your house. Buy a house, and add a club to it,” she said on Jay Leno’s The Tonight Show.

“I get the most flack of anybody. I’m doing a lot of [expletive], but I’m not doing anything illegal,” she added.

Grande on the other hand said in an interview with Access Hollywood: “I just think that people could be a little more sensitive to him. I mean, he does need help, but I don’t think he needs punishment. There’s a difference between helping somebody and punishing them.” 
