Kanye West and Kim Kardashian In A ‘Loveless Marriage’?

2020 has been a tumultuous year for Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. West’s public antics have gotten increasingly worrisome, and many tabloids are expecting a divorce. One report indicates that the two are now living a loveless marriage.

According to The Globe, the “Stronger” singer “has barely had sex with wife Kim Kardashian in nearly two years.” The two are now heading to a “love doctor to fix things up.” The rapper allegedly “can’t stand a life without intimacy,” with the tabloid speculating that his “flabby bod isn’t helping things.” Spies say his “constant junk food binges” are also a turn-off.

The two are “sleeping in separate bedrooms” because Kardashian “has been turned off by Kanye’s rants” about her mother. The lack of sex is “a big factor in his roller-coaster moods.”

The two have considered an open marriage, but Kardashian isn’t “interested in that any more than she is in getting intimate with Kanye.” The article concludes by saying West is determined to stick therapy out, as “it’s the only solution he can think of that will improve their communication both physically and mentally.”

This tabloid claims to have not just sources and insiders, but also “spies.’ How would any of these sources know anything about what happens in West’s bedroom? This tabloid claims to know the many reasons, many of which boil down to calling West fat, West and Kardashian aren’t having Love.

It’s an impossible amount of information to know since West and Kardashian are certainly not talking to Globe about this.

Gossip Cop doesn’t know how often West and Kardashian have sex, but we do know that West has said he’s “addicted to sex.” Kardashian has said she feels “uncomfortable when I talk about sex,” which frankly makes this whole story all the less likely.

She added that motherhood has helped her feel “publicly sexy.” This story is just a different twist on the whole divorce saga the tabloid is playing out, even though West and Kardashian are still very much together.

This tabloid recently said West and Kris Jenner were in the midst of World War III, but Jenner’s glowing reaction to the Robert Kardashian hologram makes that seem unlikely. This tabloid also said Caitlyn Jenner was delighted to see Keeping Up With The Kardashians come to an end while Kris was furious.

This tabloid just wanted to write a story about celebrities and sex. This is just like when the Globe said Gwyneth Paltrow was obsessed with sex. We busted that story as little more than a hit piece on Paltrow for having the gall to endorse “sex gadgets.” The real one obsessed with sex would be this tabloid.
