Kate Middleton launches photo project to capture emotions and stories of lockdown Britain

KATE, the DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE, has launched an exciting photography project on Thursday to encourage Britons to send in photographs that capture and document their lives and the work of “Helpers and Heroes” during lockdown.

The Hold Still project, which is being run by London’s National Portrait Gallery, aims to depict the spirit and mood of the public as they adjust to life under curfew and the dark shadow of the coronavirus. 

Britain has paid a high price during the pandemic, and has suffered just over 30,000 fatalities, making it the worst affected country in Europe. The Duchess is inviting people from around the country to submit a photographic portrait that they have taken during these unusual times.

Participants are also required to submit a short written statement, outlining the emotions and experiences of those depicted in their photo.

The most poignant photographs will be displayed as part of an exhibition in the early summer, that will also be accessible online.
