Did Katie Holmes ‘Starve Herself’ After Breakup With Jamie Foxx?

After her break up from Jamie Foxx last year, there were rumors Katie Holmes didn’t handle the split very well. Last year, a tabloid claimed Holmes “starved herself” following her break-up. 

Around this time a year ago, the tabloid, NW, purported Holmes was so heartbroken over her split from Foxx that she was starving herself. The magazine claimed the Dawson’s Creek actress was beyond distraught after her relationship with the singer ended, especially after watching him “entertain over 30 women in his first weekend as a single man.”

The story further stated Holmes at the time lost 20 pounds and used a very unflattering photo of the actress to support its claim. Adding to the suspicious tale was a mysterious insider who asserted, “The weight’s melting off her, poor thing, but she’s at risk of losing even more. Her clothes are just falling off her and food is the last thing on her mind.”

The unnamed insider continued that Foxx was to blame for Holmes’ “heartbreak diet,” stating Foxx “really did a number on her self-esteem – and consequently her health. Stress and heartbreak are playing havoc on her physically and right now she just feels too sick to eat. Katie can’t be taking in more than 500 calories a day if that.”

The magazine only had the words of an unnamed and untraceable source plus one uncomplimentary picture of Holmes to try and convey its bogus narrative. Holmes wasn’t starving herself, and quite frankly, the tabloid should be ashamed for trying to create an unhealthy depiction of the actress.

This wasn’t the first phony story the magazine created in an attempt to profit off of Holmes’ personal life. Nine months ago, the outlet claimed Holmes was raising Foxx’s child alone. For anyone who’s been following the Batman Begins star, it should be apparent Holmes was never pregnant. Even though some celebrities have hidden their pregnancies, Holmes and Foxx’s “baby” would’ve been born months ago. We debunked the incorrect story.

In November of last year, the outlet contended Holmes was three months pregnant and either Foxx or Justin Theroux could’ve been the father. The story didn’t make any sense, since Foxx and Holmes had broken up back in May of that year, and Holmes was involved with Theroux. It was apparent the magazine was all over the place with its stories. 
