Katie Holmes Wants A Baby With Emilio Vitolo, Jr Per Report

Batman Begins star Katie Holmes has recently started dating a new beau, chef Emilio Vitolo Jr. The pair’s public displays of affection have been snapped all over New York City. One tabloid reports that she’s ready to have a kid with him.

According to Woman’s Day, the Dawson’s Creek star and Vitolo “were spotted out buying paint together last week,” and are telling friends “they’re preparing for her dream second child.” Holmes and Vitolo “are talking baby names, nursery design, colors, fabrics, strollers,” so “it’s pretty obvious what’s going on.” Holmes refuses to confirm a pregnancy though, as “she’ll clam up if she’s asked outright.”

To add proof, the tabloid uses a photo of the couple buying paint beside the caption “Katie shops for the nursery.” A friend tells the tabloid that “she and daughter [Suri Cruise] are obsessed with needlecraft.” The article concludes on a heartwarming note “Katie’s started knitting booties.”

Gossip Cop knows better than to trust these so-called “friends” of Holmes talking to this tabloid. Real friends of Holmes would not talk about Suri Cruise with the tabloid press, so we’re disregarding that claim. Besides that, the only proof this tabloid has is a recent photo of Vitolo and Holmes shopping for paint, which the tabloid claims are for a nursery.

Holmes recently shared a photo of her and Suri’s tie-dye efforts, so it seems far more likely that these medium-sized bags are for crafts, not for a nursery. To properly paint a nursery, one would need a proper can of paint. Cans of paint are usually carried on their own because they’re wicked heavy.

Vitolo is only carrying bags, so it’s more likely that he’s carrying supplies. Furthermore, if Holmes wants a nursery painted, in all likelihood she’d get a professional to do it. Woman’s Day is taking a generous leap here to assume Holmes shopping for arts and crafts must mean she’s painting a nursery.

There is of course no mention of this old report in the nursery story, which signifies a lack of legitimate insight and continuity. Pregnancy rumors hound Holmes, but none of them ever turn out to be true.

Woman’s Day, like any other unreputable tabloid, constantly pushes pregnancy narratives without any real evidence. It claimed Meghan Markle was pregnant and used an old photo from when she was carrying Archie. It said Camila Morrone was pregnant and cited the only photo out of dozens that could remotely suggest a baby bump. Pregnancy stories sell magazines, so don’t expect them to disappear regardless of their accuracy.

This nursery story is reminiscent of a report about George Clooney renovating his home to be his personal bachelor pad. All the tabloid knew was that Clooney was renovating a part of his home and leaped to say it was a sign of divorce. Holmes buying art supplies with her boyfriend is a fairly innocuous thing to do, but this tabloid just loves jumping to conclusions.
