Kim Kardashian ‘Gearing Up For Single Life’ With Sexy Instagram Posts?

It’s been an especially turbulent year for world-famous power couple Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Between her reality show ending and his decision to pee on one of his Grammys, the future of the marriage is uncertain.

One tabloid reports that Kardashian is posting lewd photographs of herself as preparation for a single lifestyle.  According to Star, Kardashian can see the writing on the wall. “As her divorce looms,” Kardashian is keen on posting loads of provocative photos “to reclaim her status as a sex symbol.”

An insider tells the tabloid that Kardashian would “never get involved with another man” until her divorce is finalized, but “that doesn’t mean she’s not looking forward” to new love. The marriage is all but over, a source says, and Kardashian “and her advisors are ‘strategizing’ when to announce” the split.”

Posting these photos has given “her something else to focus on other than the doom and gloom,” the tipster shares. Kardashian will “be single again before too long,” the tabloid promises beside one of her recent bikini-clad Instagram photos.

If you scroll through Kardashian’s Instagram for just a few minutes you’re going to find some racy photos. That’s been true throughout the entire marriage, and there’s no reason to think they mean a break-up must be coming soon. Here’s an example from earlier this week of Kardashian showing a lot of skin for her Skims brand.


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The photographer of those images? Kanye West. Even after this article came out, Kardashian posted a nice family photo with her husband and kids in tow. Kardashian has never stopped being a sex symbol and never needed a reason to post a “provocative” photo. She is still publically standing by her husband. 

Star has spent the better part of this year claiming this marriage was going to end. Back in May, Kardashian and West were supposedly in the midst of a trial separation. By June, the tabloid claimed the marriage was “hanging by a thread.” Come August, and Kardashian was refusing to visit West in Wyoming, even though there are photos of her there.

Here we are in October, and against all odds, West and Kardashian are still married. It’s been a turbulent here, and in all likelihood, Kardashian, like all of us, has no idea what lies ahead. One thing we do know though is she will continue to post whatever she wants to Instagram as it’s a key part of her brand.
