Kourtney Kardashian Inspires Moms In Fight vs. UNREALISTIC Body Standards

The Kardashian-Jenner crew are the OG queens of reality TV. Fans have seen them argue, fight, and care for each other like what a real family should do. However, “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” also shows off their lavish lifestyle and petty needs that are somehow unrelatable to ordinary people.

Over the weekend though, Kourtney Kardashian suddenly became the most relatable Kardashian sister in history after getting real and candid about her “mom bod.”

Through her wellness website Poosh, the eldest among the Kardashian-Jenner siblings shared a glimpse of her fitness journey 10 years and three children later.

Just like any other mom who carried children in their womb, Kourtney is no exemption from gaining pregnancy weight and admitted that she got 40 pounds heavier than her pre-pregnancy weight.

“I gained exactly 40 pounds with all three of my pregnancies, but my body and my experience after having each of my kids was so different,” Kourtney began.

“I was in a different place mentally, emotionally, and physically, even if by just a couple years.”

Kourtney confessed that although her pregnancy weight gain is pretty much the same, the experiences with Mason, 10, Penelope, 7, and Reign, 5 were all different.

The 41-year-old single mother shared that her “bounce back” method has evolved over the years. From doing quick two- to three-mile run after giving birth to Mason to trying mellow workouts and yoga with Penelope, she eventually jumped on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) after having Reign.

“It’s a lot of short, super intense bursts, like jump lunges, squats, or running upstairs, and it burns crazy calories and builds strength,” Kourt said, referring to HIIT.

Kourt revealed that her motivation to bounce back fully began after her youngest daughter, Reign, was about four months old.

“I felt this desire to be in the best shape of my life,” Kourtney said, adding that her super motivating trainer Don also helped in the process.

She added that her intense workout helped her deal with anxieties and emotions while going through a tough breakup with the father of her three children, Scott Disick.

Kourtney’s Advice to Moms

Aside from working out and eating healthy, Kourtney also promoted breastfeeding, especially during the first year or “as long as they can.” She also acknowledged that breastfeeding contributes a lot to every mom’a weight loss journey.

She explained that aside from the fact that breastfeeding is best for babies, it forces mother’s to eat healthily. It can also burn 700 calories each feeding, making the weight loss process more manageable.

According to Kourtney though, the bottom line is not to be pressured by the unrealistic standard of beauty and let their bodies decide when to have that redeeming moment.

“The most important thing is to listen to your body and to do what you’re doing for you, not for society’s standards of getting your body back because they are unrealistic,” Kourt said.
