Lori Loughlin Released Following Her Two Months Prison Term

Actor Lori Loughlin 56 years old was released from prison on Monday after spending two months behind bars for paying scam half a million dollars in bribes to get her two daughters into college.

Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli were admitted and pleaded guilty for the same, including honest services wire fraud.

They are not only a parents involved in the scandal. There were more than 50 parents who bribed at different levels to get their children into reputable universities.

As per the complaint filed against the couple, they bribed $500,000 to Key Worldwide Foundation and Rick Singer to let their daughters Isabella Rose Giannulli, 21 years old, and Olivia Jade Giannulli, 20 years old, get recruited to the University of Southern California’s crew team. Although none of them has been a part of the sports team before.
