Meghan Markle Confesses it ‘felt good’ to Leave Lockdown

Meghan and Prince Harry were spotted collaborating with the Project Angel Food charity for two days over Easter. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, wearing protections on their faces, one plastic glove each and hats, delivered food to the most vulnerable as the coronavirus pandemic continues to have a grip on the US city.

And Meghan revealed she enjoyed connecting with people and making their Easter special, according to a friend.

The friend told the DailyMai: “Meghan said it felt good to finally be out and about, connecting with people. “It was surreal and just so heartwarming.

“They brought so many smiles and made Easter so special for those who needed it the most.” This experience is believed to have boosted Meghan and Harry’s spirits also for the warm welcomes they received from the people they helped.

The source continued: “Some people didn’t recognise them at first and others were just completely shocked. “One elderly woman actually started to cry and said she had always been a fan and had always wanted to meet them, and then welcomed them to their new life in America.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex travelled across the Canadian border in late March to start their new lives as minor royals in Meghan’s hometown. There, Meghan is planning to show her husband the city “through the eyes of philanthropy”, according to the Project Angel Food head.

Meghan and Harry chose to join the Project Angel Food, which prepares and delivers meals for critically ill people, after being inspired by the Duchess’ mother, Doria Ragland. Doria is believed to have been a supporter of this initiative for years, and a big fan of the organisation’s founder Marianne Williamson.

The friend continued: “Meghan was first introduced to the teachings of Marianne by her mom when she was a teenager. “That’s when Doria gave her ‘A Return to Love’, one of Marianne’s most famous books. “Meghan had been looking for an organisation to get behind and says Project Angel Food is the perfect fit.

“[Harry and Meghan] asked a lot of questions and seemed genuinely concerned and grateful for the people working at Project Angel. “She plans on volunteering much more with Harry and for the time being urged her mom to stay home and stay safe. “Doria is always wanting to help and be of service, so staying home can be a bit challenging.”

Meghan and Prince Harry officially stepped down as senior royals on March 31. The pair signed off their Sussex Royal Instagram account on March 30, telling their fans they would spend the next few weeks working on their new organisation behind the scenes and focusing on their family.

A week later, the couple confirmed the name of their new project, Archewell, but said they won’t launch it while the world is fighting the coronavirus pandemic. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex continue to be in touch with charities and organisations close to their heart. Over the Easter weekend, Prince Harry spoke to some of the parents assisted by WellChild, the charity he has been the patron of since 2007.

Listening to their struggles and worried during the pandemic, the Duke said he hoped their chat would grab the attention of the Government and help their children be recognised among the most vulnerable. Similarly, Meghan held a video chat with some of the members of the Hubb Kitchen Community, who is now helping Londoners and the UK by providing food for the most vulnerable.

Meghan told in a statement after the chat: “The spirit of the Hubb Community Kitchen has always been one of caring, giving back, and helping those in need, initially in Grenfell and now throughout the UK. “A home-cooked meal from one neighbour to another, when they need it most, is what community is all about.”
