Royal SHOCK: Meghan Markle given ‘greater’ Royal Privileges than Kate Middleton

A ROYAL biographer has revealed that Meghan Markle was “given greater privileges” than any other fiancée, including Kate Middleton.

Lady Colin Campbell claims that the royals made extra efforts to accommodate the former suits actress.Ms Campbell is known for writing several books on the royals, including her 1992 best-seller, Diana in Private: The Princess Nobody and her appearance on ITV’s I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. Speaking to the Daily Star, Ms Campbell explained that Meghan was made to feel welcome by senior royals.

She said: “I have to tell you, the Royal Family did go out of their way to welcome and embrace Meghan. “The Royal Family went out of their way to embrace her in a way that they have never gone out of their way to embrace anybody else.”

“Meghan was the only fiancée that was ever asked to Windsor before the wedding, and she was the only newly-wed who was invited by the Queen to accompany her on a daily engagement. That daily engagement was a reference to the Queen’s visit to Widnes to open the New Mersey Gateway Bridge, where Her Majesty was accompanied by the Duchess.

Mersey Gateway Bridge, where Her Majesty was accompanied by the Duchess. It is believed that Meghan also met with the Queen prior to her engagement on November 17th, 2017. Ms Campbell explained that Meghan charmed the Queen with her personality.

She added: “Meghan has a very dominant personality, and is someone who has never been shy of walking into a room and taking control of it. “She has done that with everybody throughout the whole of her life, and she saw no reason to change when she joined the Royal Family. “The Queen loves dominant, vivacious personalities, and Meghan can be very vivacious and charming and appealing.”

A few weeks ago, the Duchess demonstrated shades of her dominant personality when she spoke out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement in a video message to her former Los Angeles high school. In the message, Meghan focused on the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and many other Black Americans who have been affected by racism.

In the clip, she said: “You are going to have empathy for those who don’t see the world through the same lens that you do, because as diverse and vibrant and open-minded as I know that the teachings of the Immaculate Heart are, I know that you know that Black Lives Matter.

“What is happening in our country and in our state and our hometown of L.A, has been absolutely devastating. “I wasn’t sure what I could say to you. I wanted to say the right thing and I was really nervous that I wouldn’t, or it would get picked apart. And I realized the only wrong thing to say is to say nothing because George Floyd’s life mattered, and Breonna Taylor’s life mattered, and Philando Castile’s life mattered, and Tami Rice’s life mattered, and so did so many other people whose names we know and whose names we don’t know.”

The Duchess also suggested to her former school’s pupils that rebuilding is a constant process. She added: “And I know sometimes people say, ‘how many times do we have to rebuild?’ But we are going to rebuild and rebuild and rebuild until it is rebuilt, because when the foundation is broken, so are we,” “You are going to lead with love, you are going to lead with compassion, you are going to use your voice.

You are going to use your voice in a stronger way than you’ve ever been able to because most of you are 18 or are going to turn 18, so you’re going to vote.”

Meghan explained her own experiences with racism within the clip.

She revealed: “And so some of the slurs I’ve heard or the really offensive jokes, or the names, it’s just hit me in a really strong way. And, you know, a couple of years ago I heard someone call my mom the N-word. “So I think for me, beyond being personally affected by racism, just to see the landscape of what our country is like right now, certainly the world, and I want things to be better.
