Meghan Pumped Up The Jam For Harry’s Charities, But Can She Do It For Family Finances Now?

Fans of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may or may not know that Harry’s charity for HIV afflicted children, Sentebale, got a significant boost in income following his marriage Meghan. 

Apparently, the Hollywood star status Meghan brought to the table was more than enough to bring in an extra £380,000 in 2019 according to reports.

All of that has to be pleasing to Prince Harry since charity work has practically been all that the prince has known since leaving the British armed forces. Outside of Sentebale, fans of Prince Harry know that he’s also been heavily involved in his Invictus Games, which held its first set of competitions in 2014.

Harry’s other enterprise is the Endeavour Fund, which was established to help “wounded, injured and sick Service personnel and veterans can use adventurous challenges to support their rehabilitation.”

Fans have to wonder if Meghan’s star power has helped Harry’s other undertakings as well. Actually, with reports flooding the internet of the shoddy state of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s personal finances these days, one has to wonder whether the magic of Ms. Markle will somehow turn things around financially for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

The truth is, all of the rumors about Harry and Meghan’s wreck of a financial situation might be just that … rumors that are not based on anything remotely resembling fact. There are reports that Meghan has gotten upset recently and told Harry that he had to get off his duff and find paying work.

Yet the truth is, despite the incredibly high cost of professional, security (said to run around $7,000 per day), and despite the fact that Meghan and Harry appear to want to get a house somewhere in the area of Malibu, the couple is likely still well off.

To support this idea, one has to remember that Meghan Markle’s net worth even before marrying Prince Harry was around $5 Million. Then, one has to consider the fact that Harry and Meghan may not have spent that money.

As well, Harry and Meghan might not have spent much of the income they received when they were still working as senior members of the British Royal family. Finally, Prince Harry is said to have an incredible sum left to him as an inheritance by Princess Diana. Thus, Meghan and Harry might not truly be struggling like many in Great Britain or America today.

With that said, it’s also quite possible that Harry and Meghan don’t want to touch their savings. If that’s the case, then whether Meghan told Harry to get a job or not, the two need to find a source of income so that they’re not having to rely upon savings to carry them forward.

Now, fans know that finding a job for Harry could be easier said than done considering the fact that Harry has no formal education to speak of. He’s got his military experience, but it’s not likely that Meghan would want Harry to rejoin the military or to become some kind of security guard.

Of course, Harry could consider becoming an entrepreneur where he could put his military experience to use. For example, Harry could start his own security or military consulting business. In fact, Harry could potentially start a firm that offers security to celebrities in Hollywood … becoming a competitor to the firm that’s providing Harry and Meghan with security right now!

In the meantime, however, it may fall to Meghan to keep the home fires burning. While Harry tools around and attempts to find work, Meghan is a known player in the television industry and can likely bring in a steady (high paying) salary. That’s particularly true if Meghan were to gain regular series work in the vein of the hit TV series, “Suits.”

Either way, Harry has to be pleased with his choice of a life partner. Meghan was magic for Harry’s charity and she still might be magic for their shared bank account.
