Prince William The Arch Villain In The Tale Of Megxit?

According to recent reports, Prince William appears to be set to join the ranks of the U.K.’s most terrible villains. 

Indeed, some tabloids are making out that a new book detailing the relationship of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and their subsequent marriage, life in Great Britain, and their infamous decision to carry through with what has become known as “Megxit,” will also cast Prince William as pure evil.

Of course, fans of the British Royal family know that a rift developed, according to some, between Prince Harry and Prince William following Harry’s decision to marry Meghan Markle, an American actress. Clearly, there were rumors that Prince William took Harry aside and suggested that the younger prince was perhaps moving too fast in his courtship of Meghan.

Royal Family News: Why did Prince Harry & Meghan Really Leave UK?

Whether that’s actually true or not is anyone’s guess, but it absolutely is true that “something” caused Meghan and Harry to choose to leave merry old England sooner rather than later.

Some believe that “something,” was the difficult relationship that developed between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the rest of the British Royal family, especially Prince William and Kate Middleton. Now, according to information received from Royal insiders, this new book that is to come out in the late summer of 2020 may tell Harry and Meghan’s side of things while flatly ignoring that of Prince William.

As everyone knows, it takes two to fight … yet this new book may not give William the fair shake many feel he deserves. In reality, it’s not likely that the book will do Prince William much harm. It may focus entirely on how Prince Harry and Meghan Markle felt before “Megxit” and their departure for America, but simply leaving William’s side of things out won’t change the opinions of most who read the book.

No one is likely to believe that Prince William was some kind of monster behind the scenes. They aren’t likely to view Prince William as the new King John, Sir Richard Rich, or exceedingly evil Duke of Cumberland (Prince William Augustus).

Besides, so much has happened since Megxit! Tabloids all over the U.K. and the United States of America have gone out of their way to talk about the reconciliation that has occurred between Prince Harry and Prince William. There is no doubt that an effort was made by Prince William to get to the root of whatever offense he may have caused to Harry (and Meghan).

What Does Prince William Have To Do With Megxit – Royal Family Updates

It’s unquestionable that at some point, Kate Middleton may have gotten Prince William to consider what it might be like to be in Prince Harry’s shoes. More importantly, both Prince William and Prince Harry have probably considered what the long-term impact of a feud between them might be when it comes to the Royal family as a whole.

The bottom line here is that the most likely thing here is that some publications are simply manipulating the British public, are exaggerating the depth of any perceived rift between Harry and William, and all in an attempt to drum up more business. If the book leaves out William’s side of the story, so what?

Prince Harry and Prince William and their respective families appear to have already put the past behind them and have forgiven one another. Moving forward, that’s really what anyone who cares about Harry and William ought to be concerned about.
