Sharon Osbourne Opens Up About ‘The Talk’ Firing: ‘It Was Like I Was Dead’

Sharon Osbourne separated from the famous “The conversation” last year after a heated argument about race with Sheryl Underwood that resulted in an internal CBS investigation and ultimately her departure from the show.

Osbourne is now returning to his native England to join his old friend Piers Morgan on a new UK talk show, also interestingly called “The Talk”.

In a new interview with Sunday times, Osbourne opens up about the experience.

“They told me, ‘You’re on permanent suspension. We don’t think you’re sorry enough. And we’ll decide if you ever come back,’” he recalled. “And I said, ‘Well, who’s going to make that decision?’ And they said, ‘We can’t tell you.’”

Osbourne was not only fired from the television job she had held for a decade but also received death threats. “They said they were going to come at night, cut my throat, cut Ozzy’s neck, cut my dogs’ necks,” she added, forcing her to hire 24/7 security.

For Osbourne, it was clear that the television career he had been cultivating for 20 years was over, at least in North America.

“My phone regarding my television career here [was concerned] the non-existent, not a call. Nothing,” she recalled. “In England and Australia, it never changed. Here it was as if he were dead.”

After living through it, Osbourne recalled how much his life changed “when people turn on you en masse… I said, ‘I’m not going out, I’m not going to do anything.’ I just couldn’t stop crying because all I was thinking about was all the things I’ve been through in my life, and now they’re calling me a racist, this is crazy.”

Osbourne also spoke of a chilling effect of excessive political correctness, referencing a recent dinner she had with a friend when they whispered their conversation in case what they were saying was controversial and ended up being overheard.

“Everyone is afraid of saying something bad that someone would take and sell,” he explained. “It’s no way to live damn it. I don’t want it. I don’t need it.”

That, she said, was a big part of why she and her husband Ozzy are returning to Britain after decades of living in Los Angeles. “It’s our time to go home,” she said. “I don’t want to be judged.”

Not surprisingly, Osbourne has harsh words for Hollywood that she feels have shunned her.

“In the entertainment industry everyone is a hypocrite, everyone is worth it. Everybody overnight became politically correct and ‘walked on eggshells,’” she added, using Will Smith’s Oscar’s slap in the face as an example.

“When you win [the best actor award], everyone stands up. It’s like you guys are so hypocritical. You are going to go home and say how disgraceful his behavior was, but you stand up and give him a standing ovation,” he said.

When asked if he thinks Smith can eventually return, he replied: “Of course. She’s probably doing the next movie of his now. You know, it’s like I’ve always said, in this industry, if people could make money off you… If Hitler were alive today, they’d give him a TV show.”
