Trump Releases New Statement Saying 2020 Election Will Go Down as ‘Crime of the Century’

After Election day more than 4 months on Saturday, former President Donald Trump overview the subject of the 2020 presidential contest with a blazing trio of statements.

Trump posted on his website “As our country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!” Trump also mentioned a Wall Street Journal story headlined that “Trump-Biden Was Worst Presidential Polling Miss in 40 Years” including President Joe Biden polling overstated support for Democrats. According to that story, the Journal wrote since the 1980 election in which Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter, an expert panel found the polls were off at a level not even.

“In the aggregate, the panel said, polls overstated support for Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 3.9 percentage points in the national popular vote in the final two weeks of the campaign. That was a larger error than the 1.3-point overstatement in 2016 surveys for Hillary Clinton, who won the popular vote but lost in the Electoral College,” Trump posted in a statement on his website that “This was done purposely. The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election.

Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say ‘Let’s stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can’t win.’ And then I would win those states or at least come very close,” He also said that error should be chalked up to intent, not inability.

Trump wrote that “In one state that I won, but the results were rigged, ABC and the Washington Post had me down by 17 points. Even the rigged final result was extremely close. It’s called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal. These are crooked, disgusting, and very dishonest media outlets and they know exactly what they are doing,”.

Also, Trump stood by his past claims of election fraud. “Mark Brnovich, the Attorney General of Arizona, will now be forced to look into this unbelievable Election crime. Many Radical Left Democrats and weak Republicans are very worried about the fact that this has been exposed,” Trump wrote.

“The DELETION of an entire Database and critical Election files of Maricopa County is unprecedented. Many other states to follow,” He stated, criticizing Fox News and Newsmax, but praising One America News. “The Mainstream Media and Radical Left Democrats want to stay as far away as possible from the Presidential Election Fraud, which should be one of the biggest stories of our time,” Trump also pushed media outlets that have ignored the Arizona disaster.
