William’s Confession: Prince Was ‘Embarassed’ Of Diana Trying To Raise Brother And Him ‘Normally’

It might seem like the late Princess Diana had the ideal and perfect relationship with her sons. The late Princess was very hands-on in taking care of Prince William and Prince Harry and she was one of the rare royals who did so.

But behind all the laughing and smiling that people have seen the Princess and her children have shared, it might not be so that they were thoroughly happy in each other’s company. 

Princess Di, as most people have dubbed the late royal, was a very outgoing person and made sure that his sons had a normal life, to be grounded while living the royal life.

The Princess took the Prince’s out to many ‘normal’ activities, activities far from what a Royal would do. An example of this is that once the Princess brought William and Harry to Mcdonalds.

One of the most memorable activities that the three did was visit Thorpe Park back in the Easter holidays of 1993.

This was one of the highly publicized outings they did. Photos of them happily going on rides have now been made famous.

But according to sources, Prince William was ‘embarrassed’ by the actions of their mother. He believed that Princess Diana wanted to use her kids to show that everything was alright in their royal household.

The truth is William was the one mostly caught in the brunt of the increasing fights his mother and father had. The Prince felt like his mother was unfair to his father.

Royal author Howard Hodgson went on to explain, “It wasn’t that he [William] didn’t love her – he did, very much – but he wished she could behave differently.”

He theorized that Prince William felt like he and his brother were being put to display out for the world. Prince William, unlike Harry, was not attracted to being an urban child, instead, he was keener on joining his father, Prince Charles in the country, hunting, and fishing.

One of the photographers that happened to be in Thorpe Park when Princess Diana and the Princes were there said on an interview that Diana knew Thorpe Park was a very public place and that she was very well aware that there would-be photographers.

In one instance, Prince Charles, Prince William, and Prince Harry went to the Royal Shakespeare Theater with Bel Mooney and his daughter, wherein Mr. Hodgson claimed William said that his father never embarrassed him, only his mother.

The Prince was said to have shared this comment with Bel Mooney’s daughter who jokingly told Prince William that parents can be embarrassing.
