Handbags have captured the style industry’s attention this past year. handbags are the style item that helps a lady navigate her life every single day and carry the items that matter most to her.
First of all, return of a classic shape that we have not seen in a while: the double top-handle tote. Appearing sleek and minimal in most cases but with a couple of heritage-inspired iterations shooting up also, this trend is our top pick for your new work bag come Fall.
Another major movement? Chains! Adding an edgy touch to carryalls, crossbodies, totes, and beyond, heavy metal links are proving to be an enormous trend across the board, exposure on almost everything from shoes to clothing and jewelry.
Another common theme we are seeing for the cool-weather season is vintage-inspired fashion, particularly with a classy ’60s twist (think Jacqueline Kennedy). For bags, this is often translating to ladylike pocketbooks à la your grandmother, from beaded iterations to supple leather and satin.
Plus, there are a few of practical styles with modern updates. Think cool cross bodies, chic overnight bags, and a replacement combat neutral (our pick for a replacement everyday bag!).
We’ve rounded up a list that the seven handbag trends topping list for Fall/Winter 2020.
Fall Bag Trends 2020: Chain Accents
Fall Bag Trends 2020: The Double Top-Handle Tote
Fall Bag Trends 2020: The Pocketbook
Fall Bag Trends 2020: Quilting
Fall Bag Trends 2020: The Saddlebag
Fall Bag Trends 2020: The Overnight Bag
Fall Bag Trends 2020: Two-Toned